Organically increase your online reach

Automatic suggestion of SEO keywords within your content creator tools increases your search engine visibility.

terminology for SEO Specialists

Make all your authors SEO marketeers

SEO Aware Authoring

Organise your termbase in Termify by adding SEO tags to all your most important keywords. Along with descriptions and other metadata, you can give everyone who writes the power to contribute to your SEO goals.

SEO with terminology

Identify keywords & metadata

Ensure your keywords and metadata are translated by automatically discovering your content using Termify. Web content is scraped for and analysed to discover key terminology, with your SEO metadata and keywords automatically pulled into source data for analysis.

Translate SEO terminology

SEO translation can be difficult. Often a translator is provided with a list of isolated keywords without the benefit of seeing the context that they will be used in. Termify provides the context necessary to accurately translate your keywords, providing real-world usage examples.

Integrate keywords & Other Metadata

SEO activities usually focus on the use of keywords and phrases within your website to promote discovery by search engines. Integrating Termify into your workflow will increase the use of keyword terminology throughout your content, increasing the search relevance of all your content.

Start managing your Terminology with Termify